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- From: Jonathan Waisman <waisman@efn.org>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.research,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.abduct,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.conspiracy,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: Let's face it folks, the skeptibunkers have won. :>
- Date: Sun, 7 Jul 1996 11:57:56 -0700
- Organization: Oregon Public Networking
- Lines: 27
- Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.960707115727.27326C-100000@garcia.efn.org>
- References: <4r6bmn$ddn@dfw-ixnews6.ix.netcom.com> <Dtyyqr.KGB@avenger.daytonoh.ncr.com> <4rilnr$mse@dfw-ixnews9.ix.netcom.com> <31DE9381.467D@nai.net> <dadamsDu61qo.Js3@netcom.com> <4rot4p$2sb@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: garcia.efn.org
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- In-Reply-To: <4rot4p$2sb@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com>
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.research:27935 alt.alien.visitors:92327 alt.paranet.abduct:6394 alt.paranet.ufo:56045 alt.conspiracy.area51:12309 alt.conspiracy:126198 sci.skeptic:77806
- On 7 Jul 1996, Daniel G. Walimaa wrote:
- > In <dadamsDu61qo.Js3@netcom.com> dadams@netcom.com (Dean Adams) writes:
- >
- > >>there is a alittle hollywood in Paranormal Broadline
- >
- > >A *little*?? That is the mother of all understatements.
- > >They might as well rename that show "America's Wackiest
- > >UFO Hoaxes". Every week it seems they feature stories
- > >that are obvious fakes, and then at the end fo the show
- > >they ask people to send in more.
- >
- > Hey! That gives me a great idea! Are there any Hollywood producers out
- > there who want to work with me on a new show idea that I have titled,
- > "Debunkers Say The Darndest Things!" I can see it now, a full hour of
- > laughs and dumb entertainment as each week we focus on a different
- > deranged debunker and his warped pseudo-philosophical take on what he
- > deems to be 'reality'. YOW! I think we've got a winner here, Hollywood
- > here I come! :>
- > Dan W.
- >
- >
- >
- Can you get Jonathan Frakes to star in it? He seems to be good at
- promoting mythology.